
Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 1: November 28

"Anything in life worthwhile is not easy."
-John, Lead Trainer BLR Malibu
Today, began with our alarm clocks going off at 0530.  We had a full schedule ahead. Stretching/Yoga 0600-0630. "Know Your Gym" info session 0630-0700. Breakfast: A half whole grain cinnamon waffle with a blueberry sauce and mixed fruit. 0745-1100 Hike departure, travel and hiking about 3.5 miles (Malibu Creek Trail located about a half mile from the actual filming location of Biggest Loser). 1115-1200 Stretching/Pilates. 1235 Lunch: Carrot Soup, Bean and Rice burrito on whole wheat tortilla with a mixed greens salad. 1:15pm-2:00pm Lecture: Budgeting Calories In and Calories Out. 2:15pm Circuit Class Prep 2:30pm-3:20 Circuit Training...HOLD UP wait a minute, we need to talk about this.

Circuit training is just that, moving throughout the gym alternating cardio and strength training. The Lead Trainer handles the time, it is 2 minutes of cardio as hard as you can go (yes jogging/running because you can) followed by 45 seconds of strength training on machines or free weights, followed by a 30 second rest period and 45 more seconds on the same machine. Continue again and again and again. Circuit Training, especially with Tonia, no joke might have been the hardest work out we have ever had. She starts to count down at 30 second left in the cardio interval and yells that you need to push harder. Pushing harder can be on incline or on speed. What do you think is easier? NEITHER, that's right. And just when we thought it was over because we were in "recovery" she had us go another 90 seconds as hard as we could and if you didn't go hard then you were leaving this class not giving it your all and you would be finishing the day not giving it your all. Longest 90 seconds of my life. Thank you Tonia!

3:30pm-4:30pm Core Training probably just as hard as Circuit Training but focusing on your core which includes pretty much your ENTIRE trunk (ass to shoulders and hips to chest) what a work out...and Betty BARFED. She felt so much better after that. Quick change for the 4:30pm-5:30pm H20 Intervals, pool water was a nice warm bath water temp, the sun was setting and we are floating. NOT SO MUCH...never underestimate a water workout. 5:45 Dinner: Salmon Burger on a sandwich thin (mustard because it can help with cramping)Betty had the dinner alternative of a BOCA Burger, grilled squash, salad bar with counted 1oz salad dressing, and a cranberry granita for dessert.  6:15pm-7:00pm Lecture: Spending Calories Wisely Part 1. 

We are meeting more people. We are getting to know the trainers and we are busting our asses. According to folks who have been here a few weeks, Wednesday morning we will feel like we were in a car accident. There is some intimidation when it comes to what we can do, but we are pushing each other and we are pushing our bodies hard. 

I am having some issues loading my pictures. Sorry, I will work on it. But it is BED TIME!

A little note from B...though, Cara is the blogger, I proofread and add where I think is appropriate. I must say Cara's blog does today no justice. I have never been pushed mentally or physically like this in my entire life. There are no words to describe how life changing this has been and it's only day 1. I told Cara today and now I tell all of you...IF I ever go back to an unhealthy lifestyle....SHOOT ME DIRECTLY BETWEEN MY EYES WITH A LARGE GUN. There is no pain in eating healthy, but the pain felt today has changed my entire outlook on the rest of my life. Worth every cent, second of time, and ounce of sweat and vomit, but HOLY CRAP...I surrender. No more.

A shout out to:

The BL Resort staff. So awesome. Love love Tonia! She makes me feel like I am on the Biggest Loser show. She is hardcore and badass. 

Kelly (Ryan) McCrary...THANK YOU. Your words have helped me more than I can express here. A true inspiration you are to me and I effin love you.

Tomorrow is a new day. Day 2. It's go time, unless I cut my feet off. 


  1. ALL I GOT IS.....WOW!!!!
    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
    WOOT WOOT!!!!

  2. AMEN to everything you BOTH said. It IS life changing and I loved Danielle's new outlook! I must adopt it! So awesome to be here with you both for the next 2 weeks!
