
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

{Not So Strange}

Losing Weight…Not So Strange.
by Betty

Not much shocks me. I spent 10 years on a 911 ambulance. Enough said. However, last night I was trying to get myself motivated to get off my couch and onto my treadmill when a preview for a show came on TV. The show is Strange Addiction. I have never seen this show and now will never see this show after this preview. First of all, know that I had what 911 people call a “dark cloud” over my head for a full 5 years of my paramedic career. A dark cloud means I saw the worst calls all the time. But this commercial for this show literally made me stop and say W.T.F., punctuation and all. I get that this world is made up of lots of different people that like different things. I pride myself on not being a judger as I know I don’t want to be judged. I find diversity in everyone I meet and accept it. However…this show, Strange Addiction was previewing 3 people on the show, each with a different ‘addiction’. Should you ever need motivation to get off the couch and move your ass, please know this…1 person had an addiction to eating cat treats. Yes, she goes to the store, buys cat treats and eats them. Addiction #2 was a woman who digs in her ears with scissors. Not sure if she is cleaning them out or cutting a homemade paper Valentine out, but nonetheless she uses scissors in her ears. And #3 is a man who has a sexual relationship with his car. Not IN his car. WITH his car. (I am totally serious. I couldn’t make that shit up if I tried). I changed the channel, got up from the couch and walk/jogged 2 miles. I try not to compare myself to anyone else, but I would rather be on this weight loss journey over any other journey. It is hard every day. More hard days than easy days. Food has been my coping mechanism for as long as I can remember and my life has changed because of it. I have lost years from my life by eating. But I am committed. I am aware. And I am so thankful that every day all I have to do is wake up to eat less and move more. So many people in this world struggle. I chose my struggle and now I choose life.

Now, get off your ass and sweat. No excuses.

Update: I have lost 44 pounds since November 27, 2011. Holla!

Shout outs:

Khalil…my dear friend that I love more than sleeping in. You sent me a text today that changed my entire mental state. I feel so blessed to have friends in my life that I can call family and you are one of them. Though, there have been moments where I wanted to slap you, at the end of the day, I know I am supported by you and Anna (lovely wife) and loved as unconditionally as I love you. Such a gift. You have always challenged me to see past what I consider to be easy for everyone to see. I believe we can have more than 1 soul mate in our lives serving different purposes. You are def one of my soul mates. Never forget how much I love you.
“A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master...”-Elizabeth Gilbert

Kenny DeRoque…(we work together, but have built a friendship over the last 2 years that means so much to me. Kenny’s uncle, Rick DeRoque was on BL10 and similar to Khalil, Kenny challenges me) Kenny…I just want to say that I appreciate our friendship very much and LOVE that you are doing CrossFit. I am inspired. Thank you for your friendship.

To the people that have such issues with same sex marriage...I don't eat cat treats, or dig in my ears with sharp things, or have relations with my vehicle...I am just a girl who loves another girl. That is all. NOH8.


I really struggled getting to my personal training appointment today. A mix between tired and just not wanting to work so hard in the middle of my day, however, Cara showed up at my office and we hit the gym with Michael hard today. And now, just as Michael reminded me, I feel so much better. My body is aching, but to me, that ache has always equaled hard work. No matter how much you don’t want to get your ass moving, just do it. Anyone can do anything for 50 minutes (except for maybe holding your breath).

Try to keep it simple. Don’t over think it. This journey is hard. It takes every part of you to stay focused and mindful. But it’s just eat less, move more. No cat treats, scissors or cars involved.


  1. That was one of the best messages I could recieve, thanks Bri! I believe in you and I'm always thinking about you and supporting you whether you get a random text from me or not. I love you and your family and I'm so glad we are friends. My heart is with you always.

    Also, I admit, sometimes I deserve a slap, however, be prepared to be choked if you ever try that shit.

  2. You made me laugh out loud snorting. You are an amazing person and an inspiration to all!

  3. Seriously, SEX WITH HIS CAR!! BWAHAHAHA sounds like I need to check this show out...makes one feel like they are the most NORMAL person on the planet eh?!
    Once again.. BRAVO!!
    And I love you Ms. Betty, Bri or Danielle.. whatever name you go by and whatever your sex orientation is!! (I can't make SHIZ like that up either!)

  4. BWAHAHA Guess what my "code" was that I had to enter to send the last comment? SHIZMUT! Must be the word of the day!
